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The Primitive component is used as a building block for making new components. By default it simply makes a div element with slotted content.

"Why not just make a div in my component?" you may be asking. Here's a subtle use case that can be powerful. Imagine you make a set of components that can be composed together to create something like a modal. By default one of your components is an HTML button. Now imagine a developer using this component realizes they need it to be an HTML a element. Rather than making a new component, they can use the as prop and pass a turning this component into and an HTML a element. It also has uses when building A11Y compliant applications.


<Primitive as="p" class="foo" id="bar">
    The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

Renders as:

<p class="foo" id="bar">
    The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

A working example:

<Primitive as="button" class="product-plan-action" @click="emits('product-action:click')">
    {{ label }}

An example can be seen in /frontend/components/ProductPlan/ProductPlanAction.vue

Component Props

asthe HTML element to render as. Defaults to div

Component Events


CSS Classes
