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Adding a Route

Adding a new API route requires 2 steps:

  1. Add your middleware handler in /backend/middleware
  2. Add your route to the /backend/server.js file and map your middleware to it

Adding Route Middleware

StarterStack includes a convenient tool to generate new middleware based on

Here is a simple example for creating a GET /hello-world route

cd /backend
hygen middleware-generator new HelloWorld

This command will generate the following scaffold middleware located at /backend/middleware/helloworld/Helloworld.js


 * uncomment if you need database functionality
// const db = require('../models/index');
// const { Op } = require("sequelize");
// const { Users } = require('../models'); // <-- change this to include your Sequelize models
// const dayjs = require("dayjs");

 * change the functionName below to your own name

const functionName = async (req, res) => {
    const body  = req.body
    let response = {
        data: {},

    try {
         * add your code here

          * set your response here
        response.body = null

    } catch (e) {
        res.status(500) = { message:  e.message }


 * change the functionName below to to match the function name above

module.exports = {

Now you just need to implement your middleware logic.

Adding Your New Route

Next, open /backend/server.js and locate the section commented with

 * import middleware

Add the following somewhere in this section:

const  { 
   helloworld // this is the name of the middleware function you created
} = require('./middleware/helloworld/Helloworld.js');

Finally, add the route and map the middleware to it.

Towards the end of the file, add the following:

app.get('/hello-world', helloworld)

Adding a Protected Route

If you need a protected route, follow all the steps above but add the following to your route:

app.get('/hello-world', validateJWT, helloworld)

Testing Your Route

You should now be able to connect to your route using Postman or cURL or whatever tool you prefer to make http api calls.

Here is a cURL example:

curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/hello-world'