The CheckboxGroup
component is used to create a group of CheckboxInput
components that can be rendered as a logical unit either horizontally or vertically.
<CheckboxGroup label="Colors" name="colors" class="mt-4">
<CheckboxInput label="None" name="colors" value="red" />
<CheckboxInput label="Goalkeeper" name="colors" value="blue" />
<CheckboxInput label="Defender" name="colors" value="green"/>
<CheckboxInput label="Midfielder" name="colors" value="orange" />
<CheckboxInput label="Forward" name="colors" value="yellow" />
An example can be seen in /frontend/views/ComponentExamples.vue
Component Props
Prop | Description | Options |
name | the name of the checkbox that holds the checked value(s) | |
label | the text label of the checkbox group | |
direction | the direction to render the checkbox group | row , col |
Component Events
Event | Description | Args |
-- |
CSS Classes
Class | Description |
.input-error | the class applied when there is a validation error |