Supercharge your startup idea without having to build the basics.
A ultimate out-of-the-box full stack SaaS product boilerplate.
Supercharge your startup idea without having to build the basics.
A ultimate out-of-the-box full stack SaaS product boilerplate.
A typical SaaS product needs functions for login, forgot password, user management, payments, sending emails and more. Let's face it...if you have to build the basics you push off your ship date. StarterStack gives you all of this out-of-the-box plus a solid foundation to build your product so that you can ship faster and start making money.
Here's everything you need so that you can ship faster and earn your first $ in record time.
Quickly get to building your product's frontend with a pre-built Single Page Application (SPA), complete with TailwindCSS and the Font Awesome icon library.
Ship faster with StarterStack's backend Node.js and Express based api stack. Simply add your routes and application logic and you're off and running.
Save your data in a pre-installed MySQL databse. Stop wasting time installing and configuring data storage solutions.
Decrease your development time and speed up your ship date using Sequelize, a modern Node.js ORM for MySQL. This allows you to read and write to MySQL without having to spend time writing queries (unless you want too).
One simple command and you have a complete local docker environment complete with nginx, nodejs, and mysql containers.
Save hours integrating with Stripe by using pre-built price pages, Vue components, and Stripe webhooks.
If your product requires login, forgot password and sign up flows than this will save you a ton of time. StarterStack comes with a complete set of Vue components and pages for login, forgot password and sign up including backend apis and database setup. All of this is backed by Passport.js.
Stop copying and pasting code and reduce your errors when making new components/pages. Generate new Vue components and Express Controllers using our template based code generator. Need even more flexibility? Make your own code generator templates. Need dummy data for your product during development? Easily and quickly seed your product database using Faker.js and Sequelize Seeds.
Send transactional emails from your sign up, product checkout, stripe and password recovery flows with no additioanl work saving you hours of set up time.
Want to save even more time? Use the power of the included VitePress + Vue components to build your product frontend. This can save you days if not weeks.
Why waste time building database schemas and node code to support things like users, roles, etc.? StarterStack comes with database tables, Sequelize models and express controllers to handle all of this for you out of the box! Best of all, you can customize to fit your product needs.
Stop reinventing the wheel with each project. Build your product and ship faster using the bundled Vue components and css themes powered by StarterStack + tailwindcss + DaisyUI.
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